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One moment, please- Club car repair manual free download
A Club Car service manual is a great source of information for operating, servicing and fixing your golf cart. There are several different types of manuals for your Club Car. Unlike a car manual that sits in your glove compartment, this golf cart manual just seems to get lost. Just download it to your computer for an easy reference.
I saved and downloaded club car repair manual free download manual for my year cart and I am happy to have it as a handy reference. A Club Car repair manual has читать be purchased. Copyright laws prohibit anyone from making or distributing copies club car repair manual free download this manual.
They will have to order one — so you might as well do it yourself and have it shipped to you. It is well worth the investment repaor you plan to do some of your own basic troubleshooting and repairs.
For carts that are club car repair manual free download newer you will find the serial number on the passenger side under the glove compartment. The first letter identifies the model and then the next two numbers represent the year the cart was made. The serial number of как сообщается здесь vehicle is printed on a bar code decal mounted either below the passenger side cup holder or above the accelerator or brake pedal Example: PH, as shown, or F The letters or letter at the beginning of the serial number ссылка на страницу indicate the vehicle model, could be one or two club car repair manual free download.
The following four digits 2 indicate the model year and production week during which the vehicle was built. The six digits following the hyphen 3 represent the unique sequential number assigned to each vehicle built within a given model year.
Club Car Service Manuals. Search for:. Previous Next. Frer Larger Image. Club По этому адресу Service Manual A Club Car service manual is a great source of information for operating, servicing and fixing your golf cart. To purchase your Club Car golf cart repair manual you will need to know: 1. Gas or Electric 2. The year the golf cart was made You will find the year of your golf cart by checking the serial club car repair manual free download. Where to Purchase You can purchase a Club Car manual from a couple of different on line websites.
Golf Car Catalog at and 2. Golf Cart Downlpad at 3. Amazon has a limited selection 4. About the Author: Chris Anderson. Chris Anderson has been in the golf cart and electric cart community for over 10 years and has worked with many retail and business to business companies downloae the industry.
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Club Car Service Manuals -
Table Of Contents. Quick Links. Table of Contents. Previous Page. Next Page. Club car precedent golf car electric and gasoline 72 pages. Lubrication - Electric Vehicles Vehicle Capacities Periodic Service - Gasoline Vehicles Periodic Service - Electric Vehicles Front and Rear Body Repair Page 5 Floormat Pedal Group Adjustment - Early Vehicles Pedal Group Adjustment - Late and Vehicles Page 9 Forward and Reverse Switch Page 14 Weight: Fairway Villager electric vehicle without batteries kg lbs.
Weight: Standard gasoline powered vehicle dry kg. Weight: Fairway Villager gasoline powered vehicle dry kg. Be sure that all nuts, bolts, and screws are tight. Page 18 R reverse , to run the vehicle in reverse. When the lever is in the straight up, or N neutral position, the vehicle will not run.
The engine on the DS Gasoline will stop if it is shifted to neutral while it is running. Page 19 Figure If the vehicle is started in forward or reverse and then shifted to neutral, the engine will stop running.
However, for the convenience of the trained mechanic, there is a neutral lock-out cam located on the back of the forward and reverse lever. If the oil warning light comes on, oil should be checked and added to the engine as necessary before continuing to use the vehicle. Store in a cool, dry place. This will prevent self-discharge of the batteries. If PowerDrive System 48 and PowerDrive Plus vehicles cannot be connected to a charger during stor- age, disconnect the batteries as shown Figure Page 28 Page Page Vehicle Capacities 38 oz.
Transmission Check shift linkage for proper operation. Clean terminals and wash dirt from casing, check Battery electrolyte level See Section Check brake cables for damage; replace as required.
Check brake pedal free play. Adjust as necessary See Section 6. Check for cracks, wear, and glazing, replace if neces- Semi-annual Service by sary. Trained Mechanic Only Adjust as necessary. Check for proper operation See Section 6. Adjust as Park Brake necessary. Check for proper operation See Performance Inspec- tion, Page Clean, and adjust as necessary See Section 6.
Brake System Check brake shoes, replace if necessary. Page 38 Page Water sand the body. Clean and dry the body thoroughly. Apply a light coat of adhesion promoter Club Car Part No. Page 41 3. Apply a light coat of adhesion promoter to the damaged area and the surrounding surface. Spread the mixture over the damaged area with a putty knife or spreader, using ample pressure to eliminate air pockets Figure Page Seat 7.
Apply a light coat of adhesion promoter and let it air dry for 30 minutes. Paint the repaired area with matching spray paint available from Club Car. Hold the can about 12 to 14 inches cm from the repaired surface and coat with light, even strokes Figure Addi- tional coats may be required. Page 44 - Disconnect the three wires from the rear of the charger receptacle inside the battery compartment See Figure The receptacle does not have to be removed from the body.
Remove the rear body as instructed on Pages through A and greater on electric vehicles, and Serial No. Page 49 2. Using two wrenches, tighten the jam nuts on the brake equalizer rod Figure Disconnect the accelerator rod ball joint 11 at the accelerator pedal 1 Figure , Page Inspect the park brake pawl and latch for excessive wear, grooves, cracks, or chipping.
If either the pawl or latch is damaged, both must be replaced. Attach the equalizer rod 26 to the brake pedal weldment assembly 6 as shown Figure Position and attach the brake pedal assembly and mounting blocks 23 to the vehicle frame as shown. Tighten the bolts and nuts to in. To remove the park brake rod and pawl assembly 9 through 13 and 32 , remove the push-on nut 11 and disconnect the ball joint sleeve 13 from the park brake pedal 1.
Remove the accelerator rod by sliding back the ball joint sleeve and disconnecting the ball joint 11 from the ball joint stud 6 Figure , Page Page 62 3. Clamp the accelerator pedal adjustment tool Club Car Part No. Page 63 4. If the events above occur as they should, hold the ball joint at each end of the accelerator rod with pliers and tighten the accelerator rod jam nut against it 4. Page 67 4. Rotate the actuator lever 17 on the pivot rod weldment 6 Figure , Page counter- clockwise until the red LED on the test module goes out limit switch clicks off.
Then slowly rotate the actuator lever clockwise until the red LED is illuminated again limit switch clicks on. Disconnect the Calibration Test Module from the vehicle and reconnect the three-wire connector from the potentiometer to the wire harness. Make sure the key switch is off and that the Forward and Reverse Switch is in neutral, then disconnect the battery or batteries as shown Figure , Page for gasoline vehicles, or Figure or , Page for electric vehicles.
Page 71 23 Figure , Page See NOTE below. Page 72 Figure , Page Tighten the nut to ft. Install the accelerator rod assembly 19, 20, and 21 Figure , Page Make sure the key switch is off and that the Forward and Reverse Switch is in neutral, then disconnect the batteries as shown Figure , Page Page 75 8.
Slide the pivot rod toward the passenger side of the vehicle until approximately one-half of the length of the pivot rod splines is exposed Figure , Page Depress the brake pedal slightly, and with the park brake ratchet oriented so that the tip of the ratchet is pointed toward the rear of vehicle, slide the ratchet onto the pivot rod do not slide the ratchet onto the pivot rod splines.
Page 76 Page Using snap ring pliers, remove the axle retaining ring 1 Figure , Page Use a brush to apply a liberal amount of white lithium NLGI 2 grease Dow Corning BR2-Plus or equivalent to the brake adjuster assembly, adjuster wheel shoe slots, and the shaft of the adjuster wheel as shown Figure , Page Page Brake Assembly 2. Install the shoe retainer clips, using pliers to compress the clip while turning the clip retaining tab into position Figure Attach the springs onto the trailing shoe already installed.
Then hold the leading shoe next to the trail- ing shoe, correctly oriented, and attach the springs to it Figure Page 84 5. Remove cotter pin 13 and clevis pin 12 from brake cable Figure , Page Remove 4 bolts 11 Club Car Part No.
Page Steering Wheel 3.
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